Senior Colonel Hoang Trung Kien, Director of Factory A45, reported to the delegation on the implementation results of the task. He mentioned that the factory has set up 19 technological lines to repair technical equipment as per the assigned tasks. Currently, they have expertise in repairing 70 percent of the equipment in different aviation technical areas and about 50 percent of ground equipment systems for new generation aircraft.

Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam and leaders of the Air Force - Air Defense Service and the leadership of Factory A45

The factory's officers, technicians, and employees have undergone training at domestic and foreign military schools, with expertise in repairing high-tech equipment, particularly in electricity, electronics, and automatic control. By the first quarter of 2024, the factory had had achieved 6.5% of its annual plan in commodity value and 5.6% in defense product output.

Scenes of the working session
Senior Colonel Hoang Trung Kien, Director of Factory A45, reporting on the factory's work results

During the working session, Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam praised Factory A45 for its accomplishments over the past time. The Deputy Defense Minister urged the factory's Party Committee and Board of Directors to fully grasp and diligently follow the directives and orders from higher levels, efficiently complete production assignments, maintain equipment to ensure both progress and quality, and make use of current technological capabilities to create new products and broaden production capacities.

Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam speaking at the working session

Furthermore, the Board of Directors of the company should promote the creativity of its staff, cultivate a culture of learning to improve skills, and help boost labor productivity, he stressed.

Translated by Trung Thanh