Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh inspects technical supplies for combat readiness at Brigade 162 of Naval Region 4.
General Vinh inspects the operation of technical equipment at Brigade 162.

Reportedly, the region’s Party Committee and Command have directed the technical sector to ensure equipment for regular and unscheduled missions, contributing to firmly protecting the national sovereignty over sea and islands. Notably, the unit fulfilled mission of ensuring weapons and equipment for the Vietnamese naval contingent to the International Army Games 2021.

General Vinh inquires after troops of Brigade 162.

The unit also promoted technical initiatives and improvements among their personnel with many award-winning products,  notably the 21st Military Creative Youth Awards.

Speaking at the working session, General Vinh applauded achievements of the unit over the past time, particularly in ensuring technical supplies for the mission of safeguarding the national sovereignty over sea and islands and other tasks.

General Vinh speaks at the working session with Brigade 162.

He urged the unit’s Party Committee and Command to continue embracing higher levels’ instructions and resolutions, researching measures to well operate modern technical weapons and equipment, contributing to fulfilling the training and defense external missions.

The deputy minister noted that the naval region’s troops and personnel should actively study to improve capability in all  aspects in order to accomplishing their assigned tasks.

Translated by Trung Thanh