Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

At the working session, Army Corps 15’s Commander Senior Colonel Hoang Van Sy reported on the unit’s performance of duties, including combination of socio-economic development and defense consolidation, and building of defense and security-strong grassroots organizations in strategic areas.

Particularly, under the direction of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense (MND), the support of authorized agencies under the MND, local authorities, and people, the corps has exerted all-out efforts, actively implemented, comprehensively achieved its targets and completed all duties with high results. The unit’s stability and safety have been ensured while its personnel are united and attached more to the corps and stationed areas.

An overview of the working session

Especially, in the first nine months of this year, the corps achieved and even exceeded its key production and business targets with the estimated exceeding rate of 12%-15%. The income of its employees reached more than VND 7.5 million per month. It also recruited over 2,400 workers to meet its duty requirements, including over 2,200 ethnic minority employees. In addition, it well conducted mass mobilization, social security, health, education, new-style rural area-building work and paid due attention to local poverty reduction and hunger elimination.

Applauding Army Corps 15 for its outcomes, General Phan Van Giang congratulated it on the solidarity of personnel, its development, and maintenance of political stability in the strategic Central Highlands locality.

The defense chief asked it to continue surmounting difficulties and develop solutions to shorten the gap between mountainous and urban areas and propose investment fields to higher levels for approval.

General Giang, the MND mission and cadres of Army Corps 15 in a joint photo

The corps should work with the local party committee and authorities to harmoniously carry out defense and military and socio-economic missions and tighten troops and people relations, especially with those from 28 local ethnic minority groups, General Giang urged.

He also reminded the corps to care for the spiritual and material life of its employees, particularly in the upcoming lunar New Year.

On this occasion, Defense Minister Phan Van Giang planted a tree, visited and wrote on the memorial book at the hall of fame of Army Corps 15.

Translated by Mai Huong