The meeting aimed to evaluate and review achievements in task performance in the 2022-2024 period, draw lessons in terms of leadership, direction, coordination, and implementation of related missions and in embracing the Party's guidelines and policies on international integration and defense relations in the new situation.

General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

Addressing the event, General Phan Van Giang highly praised the Standing Board of the Party Committee of General Department II for their leadership and direction over the defense attaché work.

Delegates at the event

The defense chief spoke highly of the defense attachés’ attainments, their pro-activeness in overcoming difficulties, keeping a close watch on situational developments and directions from the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission. Their good task performance have contributed to expanding foreign relations, promoting defense diplomacy bilaterally and multilaterally, building strategic trust in ASEAN and raising Vietnam's position in international arena.

The force was highly appreciated for its great contribution to achieving the goal of firmly protecting the country's independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity early and from afar, defending national interests, upholding political stability and peaceful environment for national construction and development.

Gen. Giang underlined that as an important force in implementing defense relations activities, defense attachés should embrace and realize the Party and State's views and foreign policy, be persistent in the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, multilateralization and diversification of relations.

Outstanding individuals honored at the event

The force should focus on building a contingent of quality personnel with firm political stance, strategic thinking, professional expertise, and good command of foreign languages. They should grasp development of situations, raise their advisory role, boost defense cooperation in an intensive and effective manner to spread good images and virtues of Uncle Ho's soldiers among international friends, thereby building a revolutionary, standardized, elite, and gradually-modernized military of Vietnam.

Up to date, Vietnam has had defense relations at different levels with over 80 countries. The country has 35 defense attaché agencies in countries over the world, and a military attaché to the U.N.

Translated by Mai Huong