General Ngo Xuan Lich speaking at the meeting

The event was attended by Chief of the General Department of Politics General Luong Cuong, Minister of Information and Communication Nguyen Manh Hung, and Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang, among others.

Speaking at the event, General Lich asked military delegates to thoroughly embrace the directions of the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the Central Military Commission as well as the instructions of Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong at the 11th Military Party Congress. The military delegates were also requested to thoroughly follow the congress’s agenda and, strictly observe Party discipline, working regulations, and election rules, and raise their sense of responsibility to contribute to the success of the congress.

Opinions to be given to the congress must be constructive in line with the Party’s guidelines and useful with the implementation of military and defense missions, the defense leader added.

The Defense Minister emphasized that, in the coming time, the whole military should focus on building an exemplary and strong military Party organization and politically-strong army, contributing to strengthening combat power of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Military units should embrace and effectively carry out the resolution of the Eighth Meeting of the 11th Party Central Committee on the national defense strategy in the new period, as well as other military and defense strategies, and resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

Delegates meeting at the event

The military should foster cooperation with other ministries, agencies, and localities in building the whole people’s defense and security posture while taking measures to build a revolutionary, regular, elite, and increasingly-modern army, General Lich added.

Translated by Tran Hoai