At the Signal Officer Candidate School, General Cuong spoke highly of the school’s achievements over the past time. Particularly, the school has focused on building a smart training model, where cadets are able to master weapons and equipment during the learning process. In 2021, the school well carried out training programs for officers in various jobs such as commanding officer or IT engineer, contributing to serving the national industrialization and modernization.

The delegation visits the new construction site of the Signal Officer Candidate School.

The Information Technology and Foreign Languages Center (ITFLC) of the school has operated effectively, contributing to improving the foreign language and IT training quality, as well as manufaturing highly applicable software.

General Cuong required the school to continue promoting appropriate measures to improve training quality in the time to come.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong inspects cadets' learning materials.

During the visit to the Khanh Hoa provincial Military and Border Guard Commands, General Cuong praised the unit’s efforts in overcoming hardships and fulfilling their assigned missions. Notably, the units have maintained combat readiness, collaborated well with the local authorities and relevant forces in the COVID-19 prevention and control.

General Cuong presents gifts to the Khanh Hoa provincial Military Command.

The deputy defense minister required the units’ leaderships and troops to heighten their vigilance, maintain combat readiness and firmly safeguard the national border security and social order in the locality. He asked the units’ troops to continue building regulations, observing military discipline, and implementing the pandemic prevention and control measures.

Also he urged the units to be well-prepared for the upcoming Tet (lunar New Year) festival, especially in ensuring benefits for troops and policy beneficiaries.

Translated by Trung Thanh