PANO – On September 11, the Office of the General Staff received the third-class National Protection Order and marked the 75th anniversary of its traditional day in the presence of Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister attended.
Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang (third from the left) handing over the third-class National Protection Order to the Office of the General Staff |
The opening remark stressed that, over the past 75 years, generations of officers and troops of the Office of the General Staff have demonstrated their firm political stance and absolute loyalty, remained closely united, and made sound recommendations for leaders of the General Staff.
Speaking at the celebration, General Giang praised the achievements of the office over the past time and asked the unit to promote political and ideological education to raise troops’ responsibility and determination in carrying out missions. He also urged the Office of the General Staff to augment the quality of staff work, collaborate with other agencies and units to make timely recommendations for staff leaders on military and defense work, and pay attention to building a contingent of competent staff members.
Authorized by the State President, Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang handed over the third-class National Protection Order to the Office of the General Staff.
* On the same day, Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang attended the Government Cryptography Committee’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the traditional day of Vietnam’s cryptography sector (September 12).
At the event, delegates recalled the 75-year construction and development of Vietnam’s cryptography sector. Founded on September 12, 1945, the Military Cryptography Department (predecessor of cryptography sector) has achieved remarkable feats-of-arm and successfully fulfilled its information security management missions, contributing to the victories in the resistance wars for national liberation in the past and current national construction and defense cause.
With its great contributions over the past 75 years, Vietnam’s cryptography sector was honored with a Golden Star Medal, two Ho Chi Minh Orders, and the Liberation Order. Various groups and personnel of the sector received the title “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” and other noble awards.
Speaking at the celebration, General Giang congratulated and highly appreciated the feats of arm and achievements recorded by the Government Cryptography Committee and cryptography sector over the past 75 years. He asked the Government Cryptography Committee and cryptography sector to strictly embrace the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies on cryptography work while closely following situational development to give timely and sound recommendations for the Party, State, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defense. The sector was requested to mobilize all resources to build a revolutionary, regular, and modernized cryptography sector in line with the national construction and defense strategy.
General Giang also urged the Government Cryptography Committee to modernize infrastructure, train a contingent of competent personnel, and build a politically-, ideologically-, organizationally, and ethically-strong Party organization and comprehensively strong unit which is capable of fulfilling all missions in any circumstances.
Translated by Tran Hoai