PANO – Senior Lieutenant-General Nguyen Thanh Cung, Deputy Defence Minister, led a high-ranking delegation to review the achievements in law education and dissemination in the Chemical Corps on May 28th.

Since the beginning of this year, the Chemical Corps instructed its subordinate units to increase their troops’ awareness of grasping and executing the State laws, military regulations and units’ discipline.

Over the first 6 months of 2013, the unit did not have any violation of military regulations or discipline, while its troops are ready to take on and fulfil assigned tasks. In 2012, there were 5 cases of violations of military regulations and traffic accidents, including 2 cases of military regulation violations in the first 6 months of 2012.

In addition, the Chemical Corps’s units compiled 18 special projects with nearly 40 subjects on educating living skills for troops, such as communication skills, stress relief and safe driving.

Addressing the ceremony, General Cung highly valued the Chemical Corps’s achievements in the past time, and also asked its leaders to continuously heighten troops’ revolutionary vigilance to defeat any plots by hostile forces, strengthen their firm political stance, promote law education and dissemination, especially the Road Traffic Law, as well as diversify methods of law education and dissemination to help troops learn easily and effectively.

Translated by Van Hieu