Truong Thi Quy, mother of the two cadets of the Political Officer Candidate School, a native of Cam Quy commune, Cam Thuy district, Thanh Hoa province, recalled that the life of her husband, Truong Cong Truong, was extremely hard. His father, a youth volunteer in the resistance war against the U.S. imperialists, passed away due to illness when Truong was small. At the age of 13, he had to do different jobs to make ends meet, so he could not go to school.

Truong Cong Thanh and Truong Cong Vinh

Looking back upon the past, Mr. Truong understood the hardships that a person has to confront without education. However, he did not resign to his fate and always looks ahead strongly. "My husband knows how to do everything and does it very well. From field work to housework, he is agile and resourceful," said Mrs. Quy.

The most precious thing about that father is his spirit of "no surrender," and his willingness to sacrifice his life for the growth of his children. Though doing hard work, experiencing bitterness and sadness, Mr. Truong always encourages and advises his two sons to study hard to live a better life than he does.

Aware of their parents’ hardships, Truong Cong Thanh and his younger brother studied industriously and diligently. They also did all sorts of work after school to help the family. Unfortunately, one evening, while looking for crabs for earning, Thanh was bitten by a Kho Moc snake - one of the most extremely poisonous snakes. Thanh was brought to many hospitals, and his life was threatened. Not accepting that reality, his parents were determined that "while there’s life, there’s hope." They borrowed money from relatives and even sold all valuable assets in the family, including the goat herd, in the hope of saving their son. And their efforts paid off. Thanh recovered after 26 days of fighting to keep his life, like a miracle.

The school's Chain-of-Command encouraging new cadets

Like being reborn, Thanh valued life and strived in study to deserve the sacrifice that his parents made.

Thanh still remembers his father’s teaching that he worked hard to raise his two sons, so they should study hard to get a brighter life as a way of being filial to the parents.

Happily, in 2020, Truong Cong Thanh passed the entrance exam to the Political Officer Candidate School with the second highest scores in Northern Vietnam.

Over the past three years, Thanh has upheld his mettle, stance, fulfilled his duties. In January this year, he was admitted to the Party. He is now a sergeant.

Following his older brother’s example, Truong Cong Vinh, a student of Cam Thuy 1 High School, showed high resolve for admission to the Political Officer Candidate School. "My brother often tells me about the exemplary military school environment where the sentiment between instructors and cadets is deep, and the comradeship is sacred and noble. I was excited. We, brothers, are honored to study together in this school," said Vinh.

Translated by Mai Huong