In order to raise the training quality, the Staff Department of the Artillery Corps closely coordinated with agencies and units to build plans for joint training, preliminary and full-dress rehearsals; and monitor and maintain practicing every day. The Logistics Department of the corps ensured logistics supplies in the training area and provided health check-ups for forces participating in the upcoming parade.

Formation of artillery troops practicing line-up regulations

Along with training activities, the units enhanced education work to raise troops’ awareness so that troops would well implement directions and orders of higher levels; while grasping troops’ thoughts to encourage them in a timely manner to successfully accomplish all assignments.

According to Senior Colonel Vu Kim Thang, Head of the Division of Vehicles and Machinery under the Department of Technical Services of the Artillery Corps, up to now, the training work has been closely following the plan, ensuring the set content. To achieve high results in training, the unit has made good preparations; educate and encourage officers and soldiers to strictly observe military discipline and regulations in parades.

Visiting the Artillery Officer Candidate School, we witnessed hard training of troops from Brigade 675. The unit defined that the training process must start from basic training for each troop, each group, each row to ensuring all requirements. During the training process, commanding officers at all levels strictly followed the training results of each content and each troop, thereby pointing out limitations and finding ways to address.

Private First-class Dao Quang Huy, Squad 1, Platoon 1, Company 11, Battalion 4, shared that he was honored and proud to participate in the big festival of the military and the country. He and his comrades showed high determination to ensure the best results for the parade.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Khuong, Chief of Staff of Brigade 675 under the Artillery Corps, currently, the important task is to maintain troops’ physical strength during intensive training and complicated weather conditions. Therefore, apart from building troops’ strong will to overcome difficulties, the Party Committee and Chain-of-command of the unit have paid special attention to caring for the health, material and spiritual life of troops. Also, they regularly inquired after troops and promptly supported those in difficulty during training so that troops would feel secure and have a good sense of responsibility to excellently complete all assigned tasks.

Translated by Quynh Oanh