Major General Nguyen Hong Phong, the corps’ Commanding Officer, briefed delegates on the unit’s task performance since the beginning of the year. Despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the corps has always embraced all higher-level resolutions and directives, strictly implemented its political key missions, and effectively performed all assigned tasks.

General Giang speaks at the meeting.

The Artillery Corps Command has also actively recommended to the Central Military Commission (CMC) and MND on building artillery troops throughout the whole military. It has strictly maintained combat readiness and effectively implemented training work in 2021.

In addition, the corps’ Party Organization has attached importance to building a strong Party organization and a comprehensively strong unit.

An overview of the meeting

In acknowledgement of the unit’s efforts and contribution over the past time, General Giang asked the Artillery Corps to continue adopting higher-level resolutions and directions, making proposals to the CMC and MND about the organization and operation of the artillery force. Moreover, the unit should raise training quality and combat readiness ability in the current context while ensuring military disciplines.

Amid the complicated developments of the pandemic, the Artillery Corps is to comprehensively conduct COVID-19 prevention and control while taking care of troops’ material and spiritual life.

Translated by Minh Anh