PANO – Living far away from home, troops in Ka Lang and Thu Lum Border Posts, under Lai Chau Provincial Border Guard, could not look after their own children, however, they still play an important role as fathers, uncles and brothers of needy children in the mountainous Province of Lai Chau. Border soldiers’ assistance not only helped needy children in the locality continue their studies but also helped nurture the dreams of those children. 

It has been two years since the day Xa and Ha, both needy children in villages in Lai Chau Province, moved to live with troops in Thu Lum Border Post. Now, they are enjoying a happy life with them in the border post without worry of hunger.

Born in the mountainous village of Lo Na, nearly 10 kilometres away from Thu Lum Border Post, Sung Xu Xa is among needy children adopted by border soldiers of Thu Lum Border Post. Xa’s father, Sung Ga Chu, said that thanks to the State’s assistance, his four children can go to school despite difficult circumstances. As he was brought up by border guards, Xa seems to be the most mature of four brothers.

Also, Ma Mo Ha, from Cong Kha Village, is another child adopted by troops from Thu Lum Border Post. Ha’s father, Ma Po Hu, once a border soldier himself, died of a serious illness when Ha was 11 years old. His mother, Ly Te Nu, has not been in good health for a long time while his two little brothers were still at a tender age. Ha faced the risk of dropping out of school to help his mother and brothers. Knowing his case, troops in Thu Lum Border Post usually give both material and spiritual assistance to Ha’s family. Furthermore, the border post command decided to take care of and provide schooling to Ma Mo Ha and Sung Xu Xa.

At present, Xa and Ha’s daily lives are similar to that of the soldiers. They also wake up early in mornings to do exercise with the troops in the post. In daytime, those children go to school or do homework while troops in the Border Post are receiving training and working.

Major La Van Duong, the Commissar of the Thu Lum Border Post, said that the Post decided to take those needy children to the post to not only take care of them but also help them build up their own lifestyles and live independently, which is very important to their future.

In addition to troops in Thu Lum Border Post, troops in Ka Lang Border Post also adopted two needy girls, Chu Gio Pa in Lo Me Village and Ly Gio Nhu in Nhu Te Village, all studying at 8th grade in Ka Lang Secondary School. Accordingly, the Border Post will give assistance to those children until they finish high school.  

Now, Pa and Nhu are enjoying a happy life in border post with their new “relatives”. Chu Gio Pa said, “Although Ly Gio Nhu and I are from different villages, we are as close as sisters.” Troops in the border post also regard themselves as fathers and uncles of those children.

Xa and Ha promised that they will try their best to study well to make their dreams come true to become a border guard.

“I will try my best to enter an arts college to preserve traditional songs and dances of Ha Nhi people in the future” said Chu Gio Pa.

Sung Xu Xa, Ma Mo Ha, Chu Gio Pa and Ly Gio Nhu are among youngsters who receive the post’s assistance. According to Lieutenant-Colonel Hua Duc Anh, Commanding Officer of the Ka Lang Border Post, troops monthly grant VND200,000 and books, notebooks and clothes to Vang Phi Nhu from Nhom Po Village and Ly Lo Ca from La Pe 2 Village.

Translated by Van Minh