Senior Colonel Bui Duc Hien, Deputy Commander of the ADAF Service, attended and delivered the opening remarks.

Senior Colonel Bui Duc Hien delivers the opening remarks.

During the exercise, units joined the theoretical and practical contents. The theoretical part focused on knowledge concerning staff and political work, logistics and technical services, and line-up regulations. In the practical part, the combat crews made preparations for combat, developed combat documents, took steps to shift the combat readiness status to a higher level, conducted tactical formation, checked goals of each crew-member, and practiced drill-commands, among others.

In his speech, Senior Colonel Bui Duc Hien emphasized that combat training is a major political task which is important to the synergy quality and combat readiness capability of the service.

An overview of the opening ceremony

According to the service’s deputy commander, in recent years, the combat training work of the service in general and the training for cadres and combat crews of radar regiments in particular has been strengthened with remarkable results, helping raise the command capability of radar regiments’ cadres, meeting mission requirements. However, there remain shortcomings in the training work. Therefore, the organization of such an exercise was good for participants to exchange with and learn from their peers and predecessors' experience.

Through the exercise, the service and division’s affiliated agencies would be able to recognize strengths and weaknesses in leading, directing and organizing training sessions, so as to develop solutions to raise the training quality in the coming time.

The combat crews join knowledge tests.

To ensure the exercise a success, Colonel Hien requested the judges to promote their responsibility, make accurate, objective, honest and fair assessment; the combat crews to exert efforts, wisdom, and promote their knowledge and experience to achieve the highest possible results while staying united, learning from their peers, strictly observing military discipline and regulations of the exercise, ensuring absolute safety of personnel, weapons and equipment.

Translated by Mai Huong