PANO - The Academy of Politics, under the Ministry of National Defence, held a ceremony on August 6th to conclude the 2012-2013 school year.

Lieutenant-General Mai Quang Phan, Deputy Director of the General Department of Logistics, highly valued the achievements of the academy’s staff, lecturers and cadets in the school year.

He asked the academy to continue to diversify its curriculum to not only improve education and training quality, but also suggest the Politburo, the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence to enhance the Party’s leadership over the army; to effectively fight against hostile plots of the enemy; and to protect and bring into play the Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought.

Over the past time, the unit actively renovated teaching methods and training programs, in combination with promoting lecturers’ professionalism, to bring its education quality to a new height.

In the 2012-2013 period, 100 per cent of trainees in the academy completed the academic year with distinction.

Translated by Pham Huy