Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong (R) welcomes Chief of Malaysia’s Defense Force Gen. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman.
The two generals review the Guards-of-Honor of the Vietnam People's Army.

Speaking at the talks held after the welcome ceremony, Gen. Cuong emphasized the visit’s important significance, saying that it is a practical activity to realize the common perceptions of the two defense ministers, creating new momentum for the two militaries’ cooperation, and making positive contribution to the two countries’ relations, for peace, cooperation, development, and prosperity in the region and the world.

Gen. Cuong stressed that over the past time, on the basis of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on defense cooperation between the two governments signed in December 2023 during the official visit to Vietnam by the Malaysian Minister of Defense, the bilateral military and defense ties have been strengthened, bringing about substantial results in such fields as all-level delegation exchanges, effective maintenance of naval consultation mechanism, experience sharing between the two air forces, training, active consultation and mutual support at multilateral forums and international events hosted by each country.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong (first from left) speaks at the event.
Gen. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman speaks at the talks.

Given that potential for bilateral defense cooperation remains huge, the Vietnamese defense leader suggested the two sides continue to effectively implement the common perceptions of the two countries’ senior leaders and the contents of the MoU on defense cooperation, with focus on strengthening all-level delegation exchanges, especially high-level ones; effectively maintaining existing cooperation mechanisms and soon establishing a defense policy dialogue mechanism at the deputy ministerial level, an air force consultation mechanism, and exchanges of young officers. Other fields to be concentrated on include cooperation between arms and services, training, defense industry, military medicine, search and rescue, U.N. peacekeeping, active consultation and mutual support at multilateral forums and mechanisms, particularly the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM Plus.

A view of the talks

Informing that the Vietnamese Ministry will celebrate the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army and host the second Vietnam International Defense Expo this December, Gen. Cuong invited Gen. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman and other leaders of the Malaysian military to attend the events and welcome the active participation of Malaysian defense enterprises.

The Chief of Malaysia’s Defense Force underlined that his visit demonstrated the due attention to boosting cooperative ties between the two countries and militaries and was an opportunity for the two sides to promote their cooperation in various fields in a practical and effective fashion. According to him, in the context of complex and multifaceted global challenges, countries should further their close collaboration.

Gen. Cuong presents a souvenir to the Chief of Malaysia’s Defense Force.
Gen. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman presents a souvenir to Gen. Cuong.

Also at the talks, the two sides exchanged views on global and regional situations of common concern. They spoke highly of the importance of ASEAN in shaping and upholding regional security architecture and enhancing practical cooperation among its members and between the grouping and its partners.

Delegates in a group photo

Regarding maritime issues, Gen. Cuong emphasized that Vietnam is committed to maintaining peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight; solving all disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law, including the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982; effectively and fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (aka South China Sea) (DOC); and working towards the establishment of a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law.

Translated by Mai Huong