Captain Le Huu Khanh, Secretary of the Youth Union Organization of the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2, shared that right from the first days of this year, the organization mapped out a concrete plan and actively carried out various activities in completing both regular and unscheduled tasks of the unit. Meanwhile, the organization defined itself as the core force in conducting humanitarian activities for local people in Abyei.

The Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2’s youths help local people grow agricultural crops.
Providing fresh water for local people

Apart from the key tasks, over the past time, the Youth Union organization has regularly exchanged with young people in Abyei to follow the local situational developments and organize internal meetings to further uphold the creative spirit of youth union members. During days off, the company’s youths have been divided into different teams to repair and make tables and chairs for schools; help local people grow agricultural crops; and provide fresh water for residential areas, hospitals, and churches, to name but a few.

Attentively, on the first days of March, the organization coordinated with other sections to repair the road in the center of Abyei. It is a route located in a key area with busy traffic and passing through the locality’s important agencies. These deeds contributed to ensuring travel activities for local people, especially in the upcoming rainy season.

Happiness of children in Abyei when receiving fresh water
Repairing the road in the center of Abyei

The road was put into use only after three days, regardless of the harsh weather conditions and the sudden sandstorms.

Deng Aguer, Head of the Abyei Youth Association, expressed his gratitude to the Vietnamese Engineering Company and hoped that the company will continue to support the locality in the time to come.

Reported by Xuan Yen (from Abyei)

Translated by Quynh Oanh