At the talks, Gen. Giang emphasized the significance of the French Defense Minister's Vietnam visit. He said that the visit contributes to further enhancing the bilateral defense cooperation and demonstrates the spirit of "Setting aside the past and looking toward a bright future" for the development cooperation between the two countries and two peoples. He affirmed that Vietnam treasures the strategic partnership with France.

Defense Minister Phan Van Giang (second from the left) and the Vietnamese delegation at the talks
Minister Sébastien Lecornu (second from the right) and French members at the event

According to the Vietnamese Defense Minister, the Vietnam - France strategic partnership has intensively and extensively developed in various fields, including defense ties. Based on the Joint Vision Statement on Vietnam - France Defense Cooperation for the 2018 - 2028 period and the amended Agreement on Vietnam - France Defense Cooperation, the defense cooperation between the two countries has achieved positive results in such areas as delegation exchange, dialogue and consultation mechanisms, training, defense industry, military medicine, settlement of war legacy, U.N. peacekeeping operations, consultation, and mutual support at forums and multilateral mechanisms.

A view of the talks

Gen. Giang suggested the two sides continue to strive to strengthen cooperation in above-mentioned areas and actively discuss to soon reach an agreement on the Vietnam - France Defense Cooperation Program for the 2025 - 2028 period.

For his part, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu underscored the significance of the visit, highlighting the importance of cooperation in sharing historical memories and settling war legacy between the two countries. He voiced his hope that the two sides sides would continue to make efforts to boost the bilateral defense ties to a level commensurate with the Vietnam - France strategic partnership.

The Vietnamese and French Defense Ministers sign a Letter of Intent on enhancing Vietnam - France defense cooperation.

At the talks, the two defense ministers also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern. Regarding maritime issues, they underlined the importance of peace, security, stability, freedom of navigation and overflight, and settlement of disputes through peaceful means, in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC), and moving towards an effective and substantial Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

General Phan Van Giang hands over a souvenir to his French counterpart.

At the end of the talks, the Vietnamese and French Defense Ministers signed a Letter of Intent on enhancing Vietnam - France defense cooperation.

Translated by Tran Hoai