At the meeting, Major General Pham Truong Son emphasized that defense cooperation is one of the important pillars in the bilateral strategic partnership and has been promoted in accordance with the agreement on defense ties reached by the two countries and the joint vision statement on Vietnam-France defense cooperation in the 2018 - 2028 period.

Major General Pham Truong Son (right) receives Lieutenant General Régis Colcombet.

Over the past time, the bilateral defense cooperation has obtained positive results in such fields as delegation exchange, training, U.N. peacekeeping operations, military medicine, hydrography, and defense supplies.

An overview of the meeting

On this occasion, General Son mentioned the two sides’ plan on organizing the third Vietnam-France Defense Cooperation and Strategic Dialogue this December.  He also thanked and highly appreciated the support of the French Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate as a budget allocation agency to the country’s international cooperation in defense and security, especially in training, military medicine, and U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Many projects between the two defense ministries have been effectively implemented, in which cooperation in training and military medicine has played an important role in the development of bilateral defense relations between Vietnam and France and has had practical effects. The Vietnamese official expected that in the coming time, the French Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate will continue to further strengthen Vietnam-France defense cooperation, focusing on the fields of U.N. peacekeeping operations, training, and military medicine.

Major General Pham Truong Son hands over a souvenir to Lieutenant General Régis Colcombet.

For his part, Lieutenant General Régis Colcombet thanked the host for the thoughtful and solemn reception, especially for the opportunity to visit the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations. After discussions, the French side expressed the willingness to send experts to work at the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations and receive Vietnamese officers to attend training courses in France. 

The guest also expressed the wish to expand defense cooperation in new fields that both sides have demand and capability such as training service dogs for the engineering force joining U.N. peacekeeping operations and information security. 

Delegates joining the meeting

Lieutenant General Régis Colcombet expressed satisfaction with the capabilities of the Vietnamese military trainees studying in France and said that defense training cooperation plays an important role in helping the two sides strengthen mutual understanding. He pledged that the French Defense and Security Cooperation Directorate would continue to support the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense in fields of its strength.   

Translated by Tran Hoai