Vietnamese peacekeepers

He noted the Vietnam has sent personnel to the U.N. peacekeeping forces since 2014 and continually made active contribution in this regard. It deployed a level-2 field hospital to the U.N. Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) for the first time in October 2018. So far, it has sent 75 officers, including 16 females, to the peacekeeping force, ranking 62nd among the U.N. member states.

Vietnamese peacekeepers are performing duties at the U.N. missions in South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The country has also pledged to soon deploy personnel to the U.N. Interim Security Force for Abyei, a disputed area between Sudan and South Sudan.

Lacroix held that Vietnam’s level-2 field hospital in South Sudan has played an important role in the common success of UNMISS. It has not only helped ensure health and medical conditions for U.N. peacekeepers, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but also organized workshops to improve the awareness of major issues such as COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence.

He also spoke highly of the Vietnamese officers’ professionalism, dedication, efforts, and sacrifice while performing duties in difficult environments, expressing his sympathies on the death of Lt. Col. Do Anh, who had died earlier this year while working for the U.N. mission in the Central African Republic.

Source: VNA