Earlier, Ndo. Kham, leader of a tank team of the Lao Tank Contingent, accidentally stepped on a long nail during training. Without hesitation, Doctor Ho Duc Thanh from the VPA's Tank Contingent quickly gave the Lao comrade first aid.

Ndo. Kham (R) and the Vietnamese doctor

Ndo. Kham expressed his gratitude to the Vietnamese doctor after receiving the first aid.

Knowing that during this year’s competition, the Lao Tank Contingent has no doctor along with them, Doctor Ho Duc Thanh told Lao contingent chief Colonel Bounpone that the VPA contingent's doctors are willing to assist the Lao troops if they have any health problem during training and the competition.

At the Alabino training ground, Lieutenant Colonel La Van Nghia, weapon instructor-cum-interpreter of the Vietnamese contingent, reported that the Vietnamese and Lao Tank contingents share the same barracks. Therefore, they frequently converse with and support each other in both material and spiritual life, while sharing experience in the "Tank Biathlon" competition.

According to Colonel Bounpone, two out of four T72-B3 tanks have problems with their artillery systems which need repairing. Nevertheless, the Lao troops are highly determined to compete in order to get the best results in Group 2, encouraging their Vietnamese peers in Group 1 of the contest.

The friendship between Vietnam and Laos is an invaluable asset which finds its expression in both simple activities and noble deeds and will remain unchanged.

Translated by Minh Anh