At the reception

At the reception, General Chien spoke highly of the efforts and contributions of the EU diplomat in boosting defense cooperation between Vietnam and the EU.

He stressed that despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two sides have organized numerous exchanges via direct and indirect channels such as the second Vietnam-EU Defense-Security Dialogue in December 2020, and discussions during several cooperative programs between the EU and ASEAN.

For his part, Ambassador Giorgio Aliberti thanked Vietnam for inviting the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to attend and deliver a speech at a meeting for partners during Vietnam’s ASEAN Chair 2020. He reaffirmed that defense cooperation is an important part of the Vietnam-EU ties.

At the event, both sides agreed to enhance exchanges and cooperation in the time to come with the focus on UN peacekeeping operations and the third Vietnam-EU Defense-Security Dialogue.

Translated by Trung Thanh