Vivid evidence of Vietnam-Cuba friendship

Three-star General Álvaro López Miera, Minister of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces; Two-star General Víctor Rojo Ramos, Chief of the Political Directorate of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, received the Vietnamese delegation.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet speaks at the ceremony to screen and hand over two episodes of the "Two hearts beat as one" documentary film.

Speaking at the ceremony, Three-star General Álvaro López Miera underscored that the two militaries are both comrades and brothers, and are always willing to support each other in any circumstances. More than a year ago, the VPA’s GDP handed over the first episode of the "Two hearts beat as one" documentary film to the MINFAR. And this time, the second and third ones were given. This is a touching film helping viewers look back on the building and development of the solidarity, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba, in which defense cooperation is an important pillar. The episodes show the special solidarity and friendship between the two peoples, parties, states and militaries.

Gen. Quyet presents a gift to the Cuban academy.

Gen. Álvaro López Miera also sent deep thanks to the VPA’s agencies and units for their support and collaboration during film production, expressing his confidence that the film will be a vivid evidence of the Vietnam-Cuba friendship.

Both Generals Trinh Van Quyet and Álvaro López Miera said that the film will contribute to deepening the relations between the two countries and militaries and will serve as a bridge for future generations to further cultivate the special and rare solidarity.

Earlier, on October 8 (local time), the Vietnamese delegation laid flowers at the monument of Cuban national hero Jose Marti.

Sharing experience in Party and political work

On October 8 (local time), Gen. Quyet held talks with Three-star General Álvaro López Miera.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet and Three-star General Álvaro López Miera before the talks

The Cuban official hoped that the two militaries would continue to maintain and promote cooperation in fields that both sides have the capacity and demand, thereby accelerating the special friendship between the two countries and militaries.

During the event, the two officials agreed that in the coming years, the world situation will continue to evolve rapidly in a complex and unpredictable manner, especially issues related to territorial sovereignty, armed conflicts, climate change, among others. That requires both sides to enhance close coordination, grasp and implement agreements between the high-ranking leaders of the two parties, states, and militaries in an active and effective manner.

Gen. Quyet (center) speaks at the talks.
Three-star General Álvaro López Miera (second from left) speaks at the event.

The two countries will strengthen and maintain exchange of high-ranking delegations and delegations among agencies and units of the VPA’s GDP and the Political Directorate of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces; boost sharing experience in the Party and political work in the military; and promote exchange programs between young officers.

They also shared research outcomes in political work, political and ideological education, and Party building and organization; agreed to continue to attach importance to cooperation in human resource training and enhance dissemination and education on the history, significance and special traditional friendship between the two countries and militaries.

Meanwhile, both sides will further collaborate to complete episodes 4 and 5 of the documentary film; speed up the completion of the book titled “Vietnam - Cuba defense cooperation through the memoirs of historical witnesses;” promoted dissemination about upcoming important events.

Highlighting traditions in Vietnam-Cuba defense relations

On the same day, Gen. Quyet and the Vietnamese delegation paid a courtesy call on Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba.

During the meeting, the Cuban leader underlined that the Party, State and people of Cuba highly treasure the special, loyal and pure friendship between Cuba and Vietnam, and will continue to stand united with Vietnam in the cause of national construction and development.

For his part, Gen. Quyet suggested senior leaders of the two countries continue to create favorable conditions for the two militaries in general and the VPA’s GDP and the Political Directorate of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in particular to well implement the agreements reached in the previous talks with Three-star General Álvaro López Miera.

The Playa Girón Order is pinned on Gen. Quyet's uniform.
The replica of the sword of Cuban National Hero Antonio Maceo presented to Gen. Quyet

* On the evening of October 8 (local time), the Ministry of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces held a ceremony to present Playa Girón Order of the President of the State Council of the Republic of Cuba and a replica of the sword of Cuban National Hero Antonio Maceo to Gen. Quyet for his achievements in consolidating and strengthening the special traditional friendship and cooperation between the two parties, states, peoples and militaries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Gen. Quyet expressed his honor to receive the noble award from the Party, State, people and armed forces of Cuba. He believed that based on the close relationship, solidarity and friendship that has been nurtured and consolidated throughout the history of the two countries, the Vietnam-Cuba relations in general, and the bilateral defense ties in particular, will have more potential to develop more comprehensively and strongly, making positive contribution to the national construction and defense of each country and the peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Reported by Quang Thang (from Havana, Cuba)

Translated by Quynh Oanh