The activities were in the framework of the Vietnamese delegation’s ongoing official visit to China and attending the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.

General Phan Van Giang visits the Chinese MSA’s library.

The PLA’s MSA under the Chinese Central Military Commission was established in 1958 with Marshal Ye Jianying as the first President and Political Commissar. During the visit, General Giang hoped that the Chinese academy would foster research cooperation with agencies and units of the Vietnam People’s Army.

The Vietnamese Defense Minister and the high-ranking military delegation in a joint photo with leaders of the Chinese MSA

The Vietnamese Defense Minister suggested the academy and the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense’s Institute for Defense Strategy (IDS) actively coordinate to soon complete a joint research project on collecting materials and artifacts on the solidarity and friendship between the two countries’ militaries, and the Ho Chi Minh - Mao Zedong’s thoughts about solidarity in the resistance wars against the French colonialists and the U.S imperialists.

While visiting Brigade 6 under the PLA’s 82nd Group Army, the high-ranking Vietnamese delegation was briefed on the history and organization of the unit. Founded in 1938, Brigade 6 was formerly stationed in Henan and then moved to Beijing to protect the capital city. The unit has participated in different missions, including natural disaster response and peacekeeping operations. 

General Giang visiting Brigade 6 of China

On October 30, the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum was officially opened with the participation of leaders of defense ministries and militaries, experts, and scholars from different countries and international organizations. The Vietnamese Defense Minister delivered a speech at the plenary session titled “Developing countries’ role in global security.”

Reported by Thu Trang (from Beijing, China)

Translated by Tran Hoai