This time’s joint patrol was chaired by the Lai Chau provincial Border Guard Command in Vietnam. Accordingly, both sides implemented all agreed contents, established the Joint Command and patrol teams on land, while mobilizing four liaison officers to check national border markers from No.29 to 71.

Presenting flowers to each other

Both sides met each other at the demarcation line at Ma Lu Thang - Jinshuihe Border Gate’s Friendship Bridge to discuss the patrol.

The patrol was divided into two phases, 7 hours each. The total patrol distance was about 150km. During the patrol, they disseminated information to 300 local people and distributed 300 leaflets about laws.

Both sides discuss contents of the patrol.

Concluding the program, both sides reviewed the outcomes of the joint patrol, informed each other about border situations over the past time, affirming that the patrol successfully ended with all set targets obtained.

In addition, they also mapped out cooperation in the coming time, such as closely coordinating to detect and fight against any kinds of crime along the shared borderline, and promoting patrols to prevent illegal border crossings, among others.

Disseminating law to border people

They will also boost dissemination work to raise border people’s awareness of laws and border protection policies, as well as law observance.

Translated by Minh Anh