The event was co-chaired by Lieutenant General Vu Chien Thang, Director of the Department of Foreign Relations under the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense, and Peter Hammerschmidt, Assistant Deputy Minister in charge of policy at the Canadian Department of National Defense.

At the event (Photo:

At the meeting, the two sides confirmed that the two ministries’ leaders have paid due attention to developing their bilateral defense ties. They also highlighted the effective implementation of the cooperation as well as its good outcomes.

They agreed to bolster the ties with more focus on defense consultation, defense policy dialogue, high-level exchanges, personnel training, UN peacekeeping operations, and maritime security.

General Thang affirmed that he hopes the Canadian department will pay attention to and support the fields of cooperation that Vietnam needs, such as war relief, defense industry, military medicine, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief.

The Vietnamese official stressed that Vietnam will support Canada in ASEAN cooperation mechanisms, on the basis of ASEAN’s consensus principle.

During the event, the two sides discussed and reached an agreement on the defense cooperation plan for the 2021-2023 period and preparations for this year’s Vietnam-Canada Defense Policy Dialogue at the deputy ministerial level.

Translated by Mai Huong