The Vietnamese delegation includes young officers from agencies and units in the whole military.

The two sides discuss on the exchange program.

On the morning of August 26, the Vietnamese delegation paid a visit to Brigade 70 and the Engineer Corps of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF). The young Vietnamese officers were introduced to the history of construction, combat, growth and current tasks of Brigade 70 and the Engineer Corps of the RCAF. The two sides shared experience in training and building units; learnt about solidarity and friendship between  the Vietnamese and Cambodian militaries.

The young officers of the two countries join the exchange program.

* The same day, the delegation of young Vietnamese officers paid a courtesy call on General Mao Sophan, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Commander of the Royal Cambodian Army.

The Vietnamese delegation visits the hall of fame of Brigade 70.

Speaking at the event, on behalf of the young Vietnamese officer delegation, Senior Colonel Tran Huu Dung thanked the troops of the RCAF for their warm welcome. He also affirmed that the purpose of this visit was to educate young Vietnamese officers about the traditional friendship and close relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia over the past time. This visit was also an opportunity to strengthen solidarity between the two militaries, especially among young officers of the two sides. He expressed his hope that the two militaries would continue to cooperate, contributing to the ongoing development of both nations.

Senior Colonel Tran Huu Dung and General Mao Sophan shake hand.

For his part, General Mao Sophan expressed his pleasure to receive the Vietnamese delegation in Cambodia. He highlighted the solidarity and friendship between the two countries and also thanked Vietnam’s volunteer troops for helping Cambodian people overthrow the Pol Pot genocidal regime.

He hoped that the exchange program would help young officers of the two countries bolster their mutual understanding in accordance with the motto “good neighbors, traditional friendship, and comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability.” He also suggested both sides boost the exchange among young officers in the coming time.

General Mao Sophan speaks at the meeting with Senior Colonel Tran Huu Dung.

Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation visited the Win-Win Memorial to learn more about the victory over the Pol Pot genocidal regime and Cambodia’s Win-Win Policy.

Translated by Duong Tuoi