PANO - Vietnamese and Indian businesses involved in defense industry met with each other on June 6th on the sidelines of the Vietnam visit by the high-ranking delegation of the Indian Defense Ministry.

Vietnamese Deputy Defense Minister Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh, Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrika, Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Parvathaneni Harish and representatives of the two sides' functional agencies attended the meeting.

Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh addressing the event

Addressing the event, Sen. Lt. Gen. Vinh highly valued the Indian Defense Ministry's idea to promote exchanges between the two sides' defense businesses. He stressed that the meeting took place when the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Indian, especially in defense cooperation, has been developing positively. Defense cooperation between the two countries has not exploited the two sides' potentials and met their expectation. He hoped the event would provide opportunities for the two countries' defense entrepreneurs to exchange information and seek further cooperation, contributing to developing both sides' defense industry for the sake of peace, stability and security in the region and the world.

Delegates at the event

For his part, Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrika shared the same view. He agreed with General Vinh's point of view, pointing out potentials for cooperation between the two sides. He also pledged to create favorable conditions for the Indian defense entrepreneurs to cooperate with Vietnamese counterparts effectively, contributing to strengthening defense ties in the time to come.

On the same day, the two sides' defense entrepreneurs held bilateral meetings to exchange information and seek investment opportunities in defense industry.

Translated by Trung Thanh