In particular, the delegation checked the implementation of the dioxin decontamination project at Bien Hoa Airport and the preparation for a ceremony to hand over treated area in the Southwest of Bien Hoa Airport, a part of the dioxin decontamination project at the airport.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien (center) and delegates at the event

At the meeting, Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien highly appreciated efforts of functional agencies of Vietnam and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in conducting the dioxin decontamination project at Bien Hoa Airport. He also highly appreciated the significance of the project in the relationship between the two countries and said that the two sides should exert more efforts to complete the project as scheduled as well as to be well-prepared for the handover.

Cooperation in settling war legacy is an important cooperation content in the relationship between Vietnam and the U.S. This content has been accelerated by the two sides over the past years. One of the significant results achieved by the two sides was the success of the dioxin decontamination project at Da Nang Airport in 2018. At present, the dioxin decontamination project at Bien Hoa Airport is underway.

Translated by Tran Hoai