At the signing ceremony

The signing ceremony was part of the visit of the Lao mission to Army Corps 15 the same day.

During the visit, Major General Hoang Van Sy, Commanding Officer of Army Corps 15, briefed the guests on the unit’s task performance over the past time, particularly its activities in Laos.

Gen. Sy stressed that the twinning activities with the Lao side will help preserve and develop the special relationship between the two peoples and militaries.

Major General Bualay Phommavong speaks at the event.

Highly appreciating the Vietnamese unit’s achievements in the past and the outcomes of the cooperation between the two sides, Gen. Bualay Phommavong thanked the host for supporting Vietnamese cadets during their training in Vietnam. He hoped that the cooperation between the two sides at all levels will be boosted to achieve the goals of the two sides’ signed documents.

Also on September 22, a delegation of the Lao People’s Army Newspaper had a working visit to the Quang Ninh provincial Border Guard Command and a fact-finding tour to Naval Squadron 2 of the command.

At the visit to the Quang Ninh provincial Border Guard Command

Receiving the Lao guest, Senior Colonel Vu Van Hung, Deputy Political Commissar of the Quang Ninh provincial Border Guard Command, gave a briefing on the unit, its task performance, and achievements.

Lieutenant Colonel Khonesavanh Xayalath presents a gift to the Quang Ninh provincial Border Guard Command.

In particular, the command has actively coordinated with nearly 20 press agencies in the stationed area, shared information with them about the unit’s activities and outcomes. It has also assigned forces to follow information on the internet to detect and fight against false articles, negative information related to the unit and the military. In addition, it has pro-actively posted contents and news on the unit’s role models on its Facebook page and Zalo.

Speaking at the meeting, Lieutenant Colonel Khonesavanh Xayalath, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Lao People’s Army Newspaper, thanked the host for the solemn reception.

Visiting the display room of Naval Squadron 2

He said that over the past time, the Lao newspaper has covered coordination activities between the two countries’ border guard forces in a timely manner, making effective contribution to the dissemination about protecting a borderline of peace, friendship.

The Lao officer also noted that his newspaper will continue to boost information dissemination to help strengthen the cooperative ties with Vietnam People’s Army, including the border guard force.

Translated by Mai Huong