The hospital staff and delegates in a joint photo

The medal presentation was the U.N.’s acknowledgement and high appreciation towards the Vietnamese field hospital’s duty achievements and contribution over the past year.

Present at the event were Brigadier General Dhananjay Joshi, Acting Commander of the U.N. Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS); Hiroko Hirahara, Head of the UNMISS Field Office in Bentiu; Brigadier General Mike Cooper Mujuni, Commander of Unity Military Region; Colonel Waleed Elazizy, Medical Chief of UNMISS; Lieutenant Colonel Pham Tan Phong, Commanding Officer of the Vietnamese Peacekeeping Force in South Sudan; representatives of garrisoned units; and other guests.

The drum performance of the hospital staff

The ceremony started off with a drum performance by 22 staff of the L2FH Rotation 3, which recaptured the thousand years-long history of Vietnam’s national construction and protection.

On behalf of the field hospital, its commanding officer Lt. Col. Trinh My Hoa recalled outstanding achievements gained by the hospital since it took over the peacekeeping mission in Bentiu on March 26, 2021.

Lt. Col. Pham Tan Phong (first from right) and Lt. Col. Trinh My Hoa present souvenirs to high-level representatives of UNMISS.

During the time, the Vietnamese medical staff provided high-quality health care and treatment for more than 1,400 U.N. staff and local people. They successfully performed over 16 complex surgeries, and conducted aero-medical evacuation for 15 patients.

In addition, the hospital applied new techniques to diagnosis and treatment for patients. It also well exercised COVID-19 prevention and control, vaccination, provided oxygen and handled medical waste for level 1 hospitals under UNMISS.

A U.N. representative pins the medal for the commanding officer of the hospital.

Notably, the hospital launched a series of environmentally-friendly activities, exchanged expertise with foreign peers, boosted training to acquire more knowledge and improve their staff’s medical skills.

Attentively, its series of nine civilian-military coordination (CIMIC) activities with practical outcomes left deep impression of Vietnam and its people on the host and international friends.

Proud to receive noble U.N. medal

In their speeches, Ms. Hiroko Hirahara and Gen. Dhananjay Joshi spoke highly of the great contribution, wholeheartedness, and professionalism of the hospital’s staff.

Hiroko Hirahara expressed her delight at receiving positive reviews on what the hospital had done and highly appreciated the hospital’s attainments.

For her part, Brigadier General Dhananjay Joshi applauded the hospital for spending time to engage in meaningful CIMIC activities, such as providing HIV/AIDS consultation, supporting hospitals in Bentiu, sharing medicines and medical equipment with local authorities, and donating school items to local students.

Solemnly saluting the national flag in South Sudan

Despite COVID-19-caused difficulties, Colonel Waleed Elazizy said, the Vietnamese hospital has played an important role in preventing and controlling the disease in Bentiu and actively, professionally and effectively prevented the spread of the disease in the hospital, ensuring a safe environment for patients.

Colonel Waleed Elazizy confirmed that U.N. staff felt safe and convenient when receiving treatment at the hospital.

Stressing that the hospital’s staff had a meaningful year living and working in Bentiu and unforgettable experiences, Lt. Col. Pham Tan Phong deeply thanked UNMISS and garrisoned units for their support.

Head of the UNMISS Field Office in Bentiu Hiroko Hirahara and female hospital staff in a joint photo

The ceremony was a milestone marking the hospital’s one year of peacekeeping duties with remarkable results and confirming that Vietnam is a responsible member of the U.N. and international community.

In an exchange held to mark the U.N. medal reception the same day, foreign participants feasted on traditional dishes of Vietnam, such as banh chung, and nem cuon (spring roll). They also enjoyed typical artistic shows staged by the hospital’s staff, which helped them learn more about Vietnamese culture. The exchange’s highlight was the joint singing of songs “Heal the world,” and “Vietnamese blue berets” by the hospital staff and their international peers, which sent a message that Vietnam is a peace-loving country, willing to contribute its part to building a world of peace.

Reported by Mai Lien – Phuoc Hai from Bentiu, South Sudan

Translated by Mai Huong