On the two naval ships are 514 officers and soldiers, led by Rear Admiral Sanjay Bhalla, Commanding Officer of the Eastern Fleet under the Indian Navy.

This is the first visit to Vietnam of the Indian naval ships this year and the first direct exchange between the two sides after two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the visit aims to deepen the fine friendship and fruitful cooperation between the two countries in general and the two militiaries in particular. 

During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City, head of the Indian delegation and commanding officers of the two ships will lay wreath at President Ho Chi Minh Monument, pay courtesy visits on representatives of the municipal People’s Committee, Military Region 7 Command, and Naval Region 2 Command.

Indian naval officers and soldiers will have a friendly sport match with their peers from Brigade 125 of the Naval Region 2 Command and visit local landscapes.

The Indian ships will join other ships of the Vietnam People’s Navy in a joint passage exercise (PASSEX).

The People’s Army Newspaper Online would like to introduce several photos of the reception for the Indian naval ships and the crew-members.

The INS Sahyadri is on the way to Ho Chi Minh City port.
The INS Sahyadri (F49) is a frigate 143m in length, 17.5m in width, and has a displacement of 4,674 tons.
The INS Kadmatt about to dock at the port
The INS Kadmatt (P29) is an anti-submarine warfare corvette which is 109.1m long, 14.1m wide and has a displacement of 3,490 tons.
The crew-members on the INS Sahyadri
The Indian naval delegation leaves the ships, starting the visit to Ho Chi Minh City.
Senior Captain Le Nam Son, Second-in-Command of Brigade 125 of the Naval Region 2 Command, presents flowers to Rear Admiral Sanjay Bhalla and the Indian naval delegation.
A representative of the Department of External Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City welcomes the Indian delegation to the city.
The host and guest pose for a joint photo at the wharf.

Translated by Mai Huong