Reportedly, the VPN delegation passed 4,700 nautical miles overall through the waters of Vietnam, Singapore Strait, Strait of Malacca, Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal to Visakhapatnam city of India to take part in the exercise. Despite the complicated weather conditions, Frigate 016 - Quang Trung completed their mission as scheduled, ensuring absolute safety in all aspects, including the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frigate 016 - Quang Trung is about to dock at Cam Ranh Military Port.

According to the assessment, the Vietnam People's Navy successfully completed the task of participating in the exercise despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic in India. During the event, the VPN delegation participated in 27 out of 30 activities at the sea and habor phases, with many among them receiving excellent results. The host India expressed thanks for the VPN delegation’s active participation in events such as the opening ceremony, MILAN Culture Village, street parade, maritime seminar, and manuever at sea, contributing to the success of the multilateral naval exercise.

Senior Captain Nguyen Thien Quan, Deputy Commander of Naval Region 4, presents flowers to the working delegation of Frigate 016 - Quang Trung.

Through the exercise, the VPN showed its elite and regularity in mastering weapons and technical equipment as well as operating independently for long periods of time away from its base. It was also an opportunity for the VPN to learn from the experience of counterparts in large-scale multilateral activities and prove the capability of the Vietnamese navy and military in the international arena.

Translated by Trung Thanh