More than 70 military medical personnel from the Department of Military Medicine, the Military Institute of Traditional Medicine, Military Region 2, and the Vietnam Border Guard Command, with modern medical equipment, joined the program. Within a day, the military medical staff provided health examinations and consultations for around 700 locals.

During the healthcare program, the Department of Military Medicine and the Military Institute of Traditional Medicine also presented gifts to ten needy families in Bat Xat district. Notably, the units’ doctors and nurses came to households to provide health examinations, consultations, and medicines to patients who could not come to the program venue.

Needy people in Bat Xat district receiving gifts

As a border locality, the healthcare services for people in Bat Xat district are still poor due to ongoing socio-economic difficulties, high poverty rates, and difficult transportation. Through the program of military medical personnel, hundreds of locals in the border district of Bat Xat had their health checked.

Evaluating the significance of the program, Deputy Chairman of the Lao Cai provincial People’s Committee Giang Thi Dung said that with the heart toward people, enthusiasm, and responsibility, military doctors and nurses left a good impression on people in border areas. The local official said that the healthcare activities during the program would contribute to strengthening solidarity and fostering the bond between the military and the ethnic communities in the mountainous areas and improving locals’ living standards, thus helping ensure defense and security along the Vietnam - China shared borderline. 

Locals having their health checked

Deputy Director of the Department of Military Medicine Senior Colonel Tran Cong Truong said that providing medical examinations and medicines for those in need hold significant importance, contributing to the success of the 8th Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange. These activities are considered a token of gratitude of the Vietnam People's Army to the local people and authorities.

Translated by Tran Hoai