At the event

Lieutenant General San Kim Eoun sent Tet wishes to the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command and thanked the Vietnamese unit for their support to the Cambodian side over the past time, especially in coordination in border management and protection.

They also exchanged situation and the joint fight against crimes along the shared borderline. The Vietnamese side handed over medical supplies and necessities to the Military Sub-region of Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province.

On behalf of the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command, its Commander Senior Colonel Dao Viet Hung thanked the Cambodian unit for their visit.

He expressed his hope that in the coming time, border protection forces of both sides would continue to maintain the cooperation in border management and protection as well as ensure social order and security in border areas. They should also closely work together to fight crimes, so as to build the shared borderline of peace, solidarity, cooperation and development.

Source: Bienphong

Translated by Chung Anh