Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Masudur and the boots of the Vietnam People’s Army

Having just returned to the technical meeting room of the Second Shooting Range, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Masudur, head of the Bangladeshi Sniper Contingent, quickly took a towel to carefully wipe his soiled leather boots. At the first glance, the black boots look like other boots, which are often used in military operations, but Masudur’s boots are completely different from the boots that Bangladeshi teammembers are using. Those are the boots of the Vietnam People’s Army.

He told us that his bootlaces were broken after several days arriving in Vietnam. When he asked for the replaced bootlaces, staff of the Viettel Academy presented a pair of new boots to him. Pleased with the surprise gift, Masudur said that the boots not only are soft and comfortable but can also be used in the rain.

Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Masudur (L) and Major SM Topikatul Islam Sujon

He said that Vietnamese friends are very considerate and the Myanmar troops received very dedicated support and wholehearted care from the Vietnamese staff, including not only meals and daily accommodation but also COVID-19 prevention and control.

Meanwhile, Major SM Topikatul Islam Sujon, Coach of the Bangladeshi Sniper Contingent, spoke highly of the training grounds of the National Military Training Center No.4. He said that the landscape is beautiful and the shooting ranges are modern. In addition, he expressed his surprise by seeing the performance of the Vietnamese snipers. He affirmed that the Vietnamese Sniper Contingent deserved to win the contest.

He hoped that he will have a chance to come back to Vietnam to visit well-known landscapes when the COVID-19 pandemic is under control.

Translated by Trung Thanh