Accordingly, 15,000 mobile booths will be established nationwide to help subscribers standardize personal information. Viettel’s subscribers will also have their personal information standardized at home.

They need to bring their ID cards to carry out the standardization process.


Viettel Telecom helps subscribers standardize personal information. (Photo for illustration)

Providing accurate personal information is the right and obligation of every citizen. Subscribers who have information not matching with the national population database will be unable to do transactions, especially when they lose their SIM cards.

In addition, phone numbers are associated with many other accounts containing subscribers’ personal information, such as social network accounts and bank accounts, among others. In case the phone number is incorrect, customers will be in the verge of losing these accounts.

In order to standardize personal information, subscribers should visit Viettel’s mobile booths or Viettel's transaction points nationwide. They can also use My Viettel app. on their phone to have their personal information standardized.

Translated by Chung Anh