Apart from its strengths in mobile services, Viettel Phu Tho has made a number of breakthroughs in its fixed wide band network, IT products and technological solution services while actively providing high-quality products for its clients in the province. With these moves, the firm has taken the lead in applying information and communications technology to almost every aspect of life.

At this point, Viettel Phu Tho has won more than 70% of the province’s mobile market-share. It earned nearly VND 710 billion of turnover in 2016, employed more than 1,000 local workers, and made the largest contribution to the provincial budget.

Recalling the first days when the firm entered the provincial market, an official of Viettel Phu Tho said, the firm’s staff always kept in mind and pursued a philosophy of the business: A stable society creates the foundation for a business’s growth. Over the past 12 years, Viettel Phu Tho has tried its best to repay the trust and support of the community by carrying out various charitable activities and investing in public projects in the province.

A representative from Viettel Phu Tho (in uniform) hands over scholarships to needy students in Tan Son district 

In recent years, the firm has coordinated with the provincial Fatherland Front chapter, agencies, organizations and local authorities in conducting social programs. From 2014-16, the firm in association with the Phu Tho Provincial Health Department and Phu Tho General Hospital held a number of programs to provide free health checkups and medicines for thousands of local policy beneficiaries and poor people; offered a ventilator, installed in the emergency ambulance, worth VND 400 million; installed cell phone chargers to serve patients for free at the provincial general hospital; offered square glutinous rice cakes (Vietnamese traditional cakes for the lunar New Year festival) to poor patients; sponsored 16 operations on child patients with congenital heart defects.

It also coordinated with the Political Academy under the Ministry of National Defense in carrying out the program “Joining hands for public health”, providing free health checkups and medicines for 991 policy beneficiaries in the mountainous district of Tan Son.

Furthermore, its staff actively participated in blood donation drives, sharing drops of their blood with poor patients.

For local education and training development, the firm supported local schools in applying information and communication technology to education and training, invested in new classrooms and other school facilities, and offered scholarships to poor students with high academic records.

Specifically, it has presented 720 scholarships, each worth VND 1 million to local school students; and helped Hung Quan Primary School and Luong Lo Secondary School repair its facilities and granted new equipment to the schools with a total cost of VND 5 billion. It also installed 919 broad-band cable networks for 760 schools in the province with a cost of VND 3.7 billion, and donated the SMAS software and monthly fees, bringing its total support for the province’s education and training to VND 16.7 billion over the past 3 years.

Following the traditional philosophy “When drinking water, remember its source”, the firm presented VND 1.12 billion to the Quang Tri Citadel Veterans’ Association of Phu Tho province and VND 5 billion to the Tu Vu Victory Monument project, built the Uncle Ho Memorial House at the Headquarters of the Military Zone 2 Command, and regularly offered incense and flowers to 13 local cemeteries of war martyrs.

In response to Viettel group’s social program to grant breeding cattle to poor people in the 11 northern border provinces, Viettel Phu Tho offered 280 breeding cows worth VND 4.3 billion to poor households in Tan Son, Cam Khe, Yen Lap, Cam Khe districts, Phu Tho.

Over the past three years, Viettel Phu Tho has supported VND 32.811 billion to local people. With its large supports to the people in Phu Tho province, the firm has received certificates of merit from the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Phu Tho Provincial People’s Committee and from the Viettel group. It has also been honored as the “Business of the Ancestral Land”.   

Translated by Thu Nguyen