The corporation has been selected to organize the launching ceremony of the month across the province.

The corporation specializes in the coal industry and detecting, dealing with bombs and mines, the fields that bear high risks of occupational accidents and diseases, as well as fire and explosion.

At the event 
According to Senior Colonel Nguyen Bao Anh, Deputy Director of the corporation, over the past years, the corporation has always attached much importance to strictly implementing policies and legal regulations on labor safety and hygiene; and carried out various measures and policies in order to well perform the labor safety and hygiene program.

In 2016, the corporation conducted training courses on labor safety and hygiene, fire prevention and firefighting for more than 24,000 workers of 4 working groups. Since July 2012 no serious labor accidents have happened across the corporation.

Over the years, the corporation has invested much in new modern equipment and technological lines, especially safety equipment and improvement of working conditions.

On the occasion, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs presented outstanding emulation flags to the corporation and 4 of its subsidiary companies. The Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs also handed over certificates of merit to 5 groups and 4 individuals for their contributions to well observing labor safety and hygiene.

Translated by Thuy Duong