Thirty five years ago, in the early years of the renewal cause, with the approval of the General Staff, House Construction and Repair Enterprise (also called Enterprise 789) - predecessor of Corporation 789, was established on July 19, 1989, under Decision No.526/G9-QD of the Director of the Department of Education Management (now the Department of Logistics under the General Staff). The enterprise was founded with the aim of creating jobs and income for redundant officers and workers of the General Staff.

Leaders of Corporation 789 inspects a project.

In the early stage of its establishment, Enterprise 789 encountered a number of difficulties and privations, and suffered from fierce competition of the market economy. However, with the due attention and leadership of the General Staff and the Ministry of National Defense, the enterprise gradually entered the market, kept its foothold and developed.

During the period from the late 1990s to 2003, the unit deeply integrated into the market and grew into Company 789, constantly expanding its scale, market share, revenue, and profits. The construction projects’ map of the company has constantly expanded, reaching out along the length of the country. Among them, there were many large-scale projects, with a total investment of hundreds to thousands of billions of VND.

The 2003-2016 period brought many opportunities and challenges. Company 789 developed into Corporation 789 according to the Minister of National Defense’s Decision No.3038/QD-BQP dated August 23, 2011.

This was the period when the country's construction industry was battling with the winds and waves of two prolonged world economic depressions, leading to many negative consequences. However, the corporation planned its strategy in advance and had its own direction for sustainable development. Therefore, the corporation received the "Hero of Labor" title during the renovation period.

Since 2016, in spite of fierce competition and difficulties in the construction investment market and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the maturity and bravery of a military enterprise, Corporation 789 has continued to promote integration and steady development, successfully completing all tasks in the new context.

Over the past 35 years, Corporation 789 has made many breakthroughs and effective ways that have created corporate culture. The corporation has sped up the construction of patrol roads in border areas and the Eastern Truong Son road in harsh weather conditions; and transporting machinery, construction equipment, raw materials, and food to mountainous areas.

In the management of projects and the corporation, the unit has applied the ISO system in the work and separated estimates to manage the progress, without loss or waste. The corporation has constantly innovated and applied modern technology to construct large-scale projects that require high standards from investors.

In the brand building, the corporation has created many unique viewpoints, business and management philosophies, which have become a guideline for its business activities, as well as effectively implemented “six No’s.”

Each step forward and each project of Corporation 789 has actively contributed to the cause of military building; consolidating national defense; and protecting the Fatherland, with five profound successes: (1) Fulfilling the task of building military projects, creating the power and position of the corporation in the bloc of military enterprises; (2) Accomplishing the tasks of production and business, preservation and development of State capital, contributing to enhancing the position and defense potential; (3) Pioneering in participating in policy-housing construction projects of the military; (4) Extracting profits for social and gratitude activities, contributing to eliminating hunger and reducing poverty, etc.; (5) Being one of the leading units in building the model of "Dual-use defense enterprise," engaging in activities to promote socio-economic development and well preparing resources for national defense.

During the 35 years of building and development, with many changes in organization and operating mechanism, under any circumstances, Corporation 789 has stayed united and overcome all difficulties to achieve glorious achievements and received noble awards from the Party, State and Government. On its 35th foundation anniversary, the corporation was awarded the second-class Labor Order by the State President. 

Senior Colonel Nguyen Cong Hieu, General Director of Corporation 789

Translated by Quynh Oanh