The embassy was also requested to keep a close watch on the situation in Ukraine, closely coordinate with local competent agencies and maintain contacts with Vietnamese associations, Hang told a regular press conference held by the ministry.

She said the embassy's staff have visited Vietnamese people in some areas, and found that there have been no major disturbances in their daily activities so far.

Measures to be taken to protect legitimate rights of Vietnamese citizens abroad

Regarding a Vietnamese intern abused in Japan, Hang said after learning about the incident, the embassy has held a working session with Japanese competent agencies to verify the case and ask for investigation.

The embassy's officials also visited the man whose physical and mental health is stable now, the spokesperson added.

The Japanese Minister of Justice on January 25 asked the Immigration Services Agency of Japan to quickly conduct an investigation and handle individuals involved, and requested relevant firms to act to improve the support and protection of trainees.

Japanese authorities have suspended the reception of foreign technical trainees at the company where the incident occurred. The firm also admitted to its wrongdoings and pledged to compensate the trainee.

According to the spokesperson, the remaining Vietnamese trainees at this company have been moved to the management agency and they may be transferred to other workplaces.

The MoFA has directed the embassy to keep a close watch on the case and stand ready to take measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Vietnamese citizens, Hang said.

Source: VNA