The event was attended by Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Deputy Defense Minister.

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong speaks at the event

Over the past five years, the Party Committee and Chain-of-command of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command have thoroughly implemented and strictly adhered to the resolutions and directives of the Party, State, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, and General Department of Political Affairs of the Vietnam People's Army on enhancing and renewing mass mobilization work in the current context. To date, the Standing Board of the Party Committee of the VCG has signed cooperation agreements with the Standing Boards of the Party Committees of 28 coastal provinces and cities to carry out the "Coast guard force accompanying fishermen" program.

An overview of the conference

The forces involved have organized 262 information dissemination sessions, reaching over 170,000 people, including 72,688 fishermen through direct outreach at sea. As part of the "I love the national seas and islands" contest, VCG units have sponsored 58 students facing difficulties, presented 1,542 gifts to fishing families, and regularly maintained forces and vehicles for patrol, law enforcement, and search and rescue operations. VCG units have successfully deployed forces and vehicles to rescue 63 vessels with 1,082 people in distress at sea.

In his directive speech at the conference, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong requested that the Party Committee and Chain-of-Command of the VCG continue to thoroughly implement the conclusions of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat on "strengthening and renewing the Party's leadership in mass mobilization work in the current context." He urged the Standing Board of the VCG Party Committee and the Standing Boards of provincial and municipal Party Committees to continue coordinating efforts to innovate the contents, forms, and methods of the "Coast guard force accompanying fishermen" program to enhance its effectiveness, tailored to the specific characteristics of each locality.

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong hands over certificates of merits of the Ministry of National Defense to outstanding individuals and collectives.

Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong also called on the Standing Boards of the provincial and municipal Party Committees of coastal localities to continue directing their affiliated agencies and units to closely coordinate with VCG units in building plans, proposing suitable content and implementation methods, and mobilizing forces, vehicles, and people to actively participate in activities with the VCG officers and soldiers, thereby contributing to the firm protection of sovereignty, security, and safety at sea.

Translated by Chung Anh