These activities showed the close attention and sentiment of the local authority and armed forces for the Khmer people, contributing to tightening the close ties between troops and people.

Since the end of November 2023, the command sent a mission to conduct military-civilian program and activities in An Minh Bac commune on the occasion of the traditional Chol Chnam Thmay festival. Troops coordinated with local Youth Union members and people to conduct many practical projects.

Up to now, the command has built 34 houses for needy people; presented 630 gifts to policy beneficiaries, poor and near-poor households, militia and self-defense forces; and granted scholarships to disadvantaged students, among others.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce some photos featuring activities in celebration the Chol Chnam Thmay festival in Kien Giang province.

The organizing panel presents gifts to policy beneficiaries.
At the ceremony to start the construction of a great solidarity house
Gifts given to students and needy families
Militiamen of An Minh Bac commune transporting construction materials for the projects of the military-civilian program
Helping people repair their houses
An Minh Bac is a commune with difficult living conditions. About 17% of the local people are Khmer.
The armed forces of U Minh Thuong district repair a house’s roof for a local.
Building house for a needy troop
This year, 34 houses handed over within the framework of the military-civilian program during the Chol Chnam Thmay festival
Entertainment activities attract a large number of people.
These activities contribute to deepening the solidarity between military and local people.
An artist performance featuring Khmer people’s culture

Translated by Quynh Oanh