In Nghe An province, some districts of Quy Chau, Thanh Chuong, Con Cuong, Do Luong, Quy Hop and Ky Son suffered from heavy rains and flooding. Especially in Quy Chau district’s Tan Lac town, over 250 houses were flooded, causing severe damages to assets and properties.

Troops of the Quy Chau district Military Command help people evacuate their properties to safer places.

Hence, the Quy Chau district Military Command have sent 30 servicemen and vehicles to evacuate local people and their properties. Local militiamen are present at heavily-flooded roads to warn residents.

According to Colonel Vuong Dinh Hanh, Political Commissar of the Ky Son district Military Command, his troops are supporting local people to move elderly, children and properties to higher places in Ta Ca commune, Ky Son district.

In Ha Tinh province, over 40 troops of the Border Post of Cau Treo International Border Gate have rushed to flood affected areas to ensure smooth traffic and join hands with locals to surmount the aftermath.

In Thanh Hoa province, local armed forces have worked with functional agencies to mobilize households in high-risk areas to quickly move to safer places. They are now on duty round-the-clock to respond to natural disaster in need.

Meanwhile, the MR4 Command has ordered armed forces in Quang Binh and Quang Ngai provinces to assist flood-hit people to overcome consequences. Reportedly, in the two provinces, heavy rains and flood left one dead, one injured, and caused landslides in several sites.

Translated by Song Anh