Folk games and art performance during the event contributed to tightening solidarity among ethnic minority people in border areas.

Sin Suoi Ho village is not only famous for its beautiful landscape, but also friendly local people. Previously, it was a flash point of bad customs and social evils.

Stationed in the area, troops of Sin Suoi Ho Border Post, Lai Chau provincial Border Guard Command, made recommendations to local authorities to implement effective measures, such as removing poppy plants; helping local people grow wet rice, corn, potatoes, cassava, and other plants with high economic value. From a poor village, Sin Suoi Ho has changed to become a leading locality in community tourism.

Below are some photos featuring the spring atmosphere in the hamlet.

National flag shining in spring sunshine
Local people participating in the event
Tourists wearing traditional costume of H'mong people
An art performance during the event
Playing flute is part of the life of the local people.
Border troops talk with the local people.
Conducting patrol during the lunar New Year festival

Translated by Minh Anh