No one left behind

After two days of escaping from flooding, on October 15, hundreds of people living in Hoa Khanh Nam ward, Lien Chieu district wanted to return home. However, the local authorities, armed forces and public security force encouraged them to stay in the makeshift evacuation area to ensure safety.

Troops collect garbage.

At noon, as it was still raining heavily, the search and rescue force of Commando Battalion 409 quickly brought 14 people out of dangerous areas.

According to Captain Truong Quang Thien, Deputy Political Commissar of Commando Battalion 409, it was hard for the troops to reach the deeply-flooded areas. However, with high determination, they overcame difficulties to bring victims out of the dangerous areas and no one was left behind.

On the same day, as requested by the local authorities, nearly 50 troops of Lien Chieu district and Commando Battalion 409 rushed to Ba Xi Bridge to collect garbage for the smooth flow of the river, and for smooth traffic on the roads of Me Suot, Tran Ke Xuong, and Dong Tri 1.

Lunch at Commando Battalion 409

Deputy Chairman of Hoa Khanh Nam ward People’s Committee Tran Van The noted that almost all of the areas were deeply flooded. On October 13, many people moved to their relatives’ houses. “However, on October 14, they had to ask for troops’ help and stayed at military barracks,” he added.

Military - civilian ties deepened

Sharing difficulties facing local residents, three days ago, after receiving information about the upcoming flood, troops of Military Region 5 stationed in the districts of Thanh Khe, Lien Chieu, Cam Le and Hoa Vang made preparations for receiving from 1,500 to 2,000 evacuated people. At Commando Battalion 409’s headquarters, in addition to search and rescue mission, the troops also ensured three meals per day for the flood-hit victims.

Medical staff of Commando Battalion 409 checking health of a victim

Despite working in flood-hit areas for a long day, back to barracks, soldiers Bui Quang Hoa and Nguyen Ngoc Hao, together with the troops of the unit, spent time talking with and encouraging the victims. Reportedly, they rushed to the flood-hit areas to rescue locals for three times.

The troops always consider the locals’ safety their priority, so they have taken due care of the flood-hit people, contributing to promoting military-civilian ties.

Translated by Minh Anh