The municipal Military Command, Commando Battalion 409, and Reconnaissance Battalion 32 of the Staff of Military Region 5 have mobilized forces and vehicles to help locals respond to the natural disasters and overcome consequences.

Militiamen in Thanh Khe Tay providing food for people in an evacuation area

In Thanh Khe district, troops, militiamen, public security force, and local party committee and authorities have supported more than 2,000 local residents living along Dung Si Thanh Khe Street and in areas around Hue T-junction Flyover to move to safer places. Many locals have been evacuated to Le Van Tam Primary School in Thanh Khe Tay ward and the Culture and Sporting Center of Thanh Khe district. On October 14 morning, residential area No.26 Khe Can in Thanh Khe Tay ward was submerged in flood water. It took the search ad rescue team, led by Second-in-Command and Chief of Staff of the Military Command of Thanh Khe district Major Nguyen Nhat Linh, nearly 2 hours to move 142 people out of flooded areas.

In the evacuation area, troops have provided mosquito nets, clothes, food, and other essential items for locals and taken care of their children. According to Major Linh, to respond to the flood, on October 10 morning, the military command mobilized around 300 troops and militiamen to work with local party committees, authorities, and relevant forces to conduct surveys and forecast the developments of the natural disasters and prepare response plans. Promoting the “Four on-the-spot” motto, the military command prepared forces, vehicles, and logistics supplies, dredged sewers, reinforced houses, and moved property to safer places.

Officials of the Military Command of Thanh Khe district encouraging local residents in an evacuation area

On October 14 morning when it stopped raining, troops of Regiment 971 and Armored Battalion 699 of the Da Nang municipal Military Command, Commando Battalion 409, and Reconnaissance Battalion 32 worked with troops, militiamen, and functional forces in Lien Chieu district to assist households along Me Suot, Hong Vang Thai streets and in residential areas 45, 56, 47, 48 Da Son in Hoa Khanh Nam district to collect their property swept away by flood water. Notably, units accommodated around 50 people who could not find shelters.

According to Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Thanh Khe Tay ward Le Thi Nhat Dieu, before the rainy season, the locality’s functional forces reviewed and updated information and phone numbers of households living along river banks, low-lying areas, and flood-prone localities. Thanks to that, search and rescue work has been conducted in a timely and effective manner, thus reducing losses.

The Da Nang municipal Border Guard Command has also sent hundreds of troops to evacuate more than 200 locals and their property to safer places. Meanwhile, border posts worked with localities to inquire after and provide food and water for evacuated households.

Militiamen in Thanh Khe Tay evacuating locals to safer places

While checking Thanh Khe district’s overcoming of consequences of the flooding, Secretary of the Da Nang municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang highly appreciated the activeness and pro-activeness of local party committee, authorities, and armed forces. Amid the complicated developments of the weather, the city’s leader asked forces to well apply “Four on-the-spot” motto, strictly maintain guard duty, mobilize forces to guard and regulate traffic in dangerous areas, promote dissemination and mobilize locals in flood-prone areas to evacuate, provide adequate food, medicine, and necessities for people in evacuation areas.

Translated by Tran Hoai