On August 20, representatives of local party committee and authorities and ethnic minority people in Ho Bon commune braved downpour to come to Ho Bon Primary and Secondary Semi-boarding School to say goodbye to troops of Division 316. The troops had stayed in the locality for ten days to help locals overcome the consequences of the historic flooding.

At the farewell moment, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Bon commune Sung A Binh firmly held the hands of Second-in-Command of Division 316 Senior Colonel Bui The Dung and said that people in Mu Cang Chai district in general and in flood-stricken communes of Lao Chai, Khao Mang, and Ho Bon in particular will bear in mind the deeds of troops of Division 316. They braved difficulties and dangers to assist locals in rebuilding houses, clearing streams, moving their houses and  property to safer places

Notably, thanks to the enthusiastic support of troops of Division 316, local schools were cleaned to facilitate the reconstruction of facilities to ensure that students in Mu Cang Chai district could start the new academic year on time.    

Speaking at the farewell ceremony, Col. Dung affirmed the close relationship between troops and people and said that helping people in difficult circumstances, responding to natural disasters, and conducting search and rescue operations are combat missions of troops of the Vietnam People’s Army in peacetime. He added that the presence of troops of Division 316 in flood-hit localities in Mu Cang Chai was the regular task of troops in peacetime. Despite difficulties, hardships, and dangers, troops will always do their utmost for peaceful life of people.

During nearly 10 days, troops of Division 316 assisted the cleanup and repair of facilities at four schools and 28 classrooms in communes of Ho Bon and Khao Mang. They cleared around 20 cubic meters of mud and soil and conducted the reinforcement on landslide-prone areas. The unit helped 11 households clear a volume of 740 cubic meters of soil and rock in their houses; two others to reinforce landslide prone areas using 41 cubic meters of rocks; six households move their houses out of the landslide-prone areas; 28 households level 261 cubic meters of mud.

The division’s troops also participated in clearing 33 landslide sites along inter-village roads with a volume of 381 cubic meters of soil and rock, consolidating 800m of roads, embanking the inter-village road with 66 cubic meters of stones, cleaning and treating 42 cubic meters of waste. On this occasion, Division 316 visited and presented gifts to the families of those who lost their lives due to flood. 

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Do Duc Duy affirmed that in any circumstances, troops are always present and promptly exert their utmost efforts to help people. “The image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers always shines in the hearts of the people,” said Mr. Duy.

Below are photos of the farewell ceremony for troops of Division 316.

Troops at the farewell ceremony    
Troops of Division 316 of Military Region 2 saying goodbye to locals in Mu Cang Chai district
Warm handshakes demonstrating the solidarity between troops and locals
An overview of the ceremony
Troops marching back to their barracks

Earlier on August 19, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Do Duc Duy visiting, encouraging, and sending thanks to troops of Division 316 for their valuable support

Mr. Do Duc Duy talking with the division’s troops
Mr. Do Duc Duy sincerely thanks troops of Division 316 for their support to flood-hit people.

Translated by Tran Hoai