PAN's Editor-in-Chief Major General Doan Xuan Bo speaks at the event.

The PAN’s Secretary and Editor-in-Chief Major General Doan Xuan Bo, leaders of the local authorities, principles of the three schools attended the event.

Addressing the event, Maj. Gen. Doan Xuan Bo expressed his sentiments with Bang Doan commune and emphasized that the PAN wishes to accompany and share difficulties with the locality and its education sector.

The PAN delegation and representatives from local authorities visit the computer room of Bang Doan Secondary School.

The newspaper chief took this chance to thank Viet A Bank’s fund for accompanying the PAN to present meaningful gifts to the commune’s schools. He hoped that such a gift will help local teachers and students in their teaching and study.

Maj. Gen. Doan Xuan Bo presents 16 computers to the schools in Bang Doan commune.

For his part, Secretary of Doan Hung district Le Van Phuong sent thanks to the PAN and the Fund for their assistance. The official emphasized that teachers in Bang Doan commune in particular and Doan Hung district in general always stay united and exert all-out efforts to improve the quality of education and training. However, the local education sector still struggles with shortage of materials, thus it needs more support from departments, enterprises, and people.

He stressed that the gift from the PAN and other sponsors will be a source of encouragement for the schools.

Translated by Song Anh