Delegates at the meeting

At the event, Senior Lieutenant General Do Can handed over the gifts of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) to Hau Giang’s national contributors and inquired after them on the occasion of their visit to Hanoi, President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, and MND.

The deputy chief of the General Department of Political Affairs recalled that in the national salvation and defense cause, under the leadership of the Party, the province’s armed forces and people stayed united and promoted patriotism tradition to contribute to the whole military and people’s efforts in gaining the national independence and reunifying the country.

On the occasion, Senior Lieutenant General Do Can expressed deep gratitude to the Hau Giang provincial Party Organization, authorities, and people for their wholehearted support and care for troops of the Vietnam People’s Army during its combat and development.

Briefing the delegates on the military’s activities over the past time, especially policy work, the General Department of Political Affairs’ deputy chief recalled that on the 75th anniversary of the Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day (July 27), the whole military launched an emulation movement to pay gratitude to national contributors, provided financial support to build 1,769 houses, presented 806 savings books to policy people and national contributors, and provided free health check-ups and medicines for over 13,000 people, to name but a few.

Units sewed silk ensembles and gave gifts to 1,489 heroic Vietnamese mothers who are being cared for by military units and provided medical equipment for five convalescent centers for those who had rendered good service to the nation.

Practical deeds of troops in the whole military have contributed to the whole Party and people’s efforts in taking care of material and spiritual life for policy beneficiaries and national contributors and educating troops about the gratitude tradition of the Vietnamese people.

Senior Lieutenant General Do Can presents gifts to delegates.
Senior Lieutenant General Do Can and delegates in a joint photo

The Southern province of Hau Giang has more than 35,700 national contributors, including more than 12,500 martyrs; more than 5,700 wounded and sick soldiers; 2,027 heroic Vietnamese mothers, of whom 57 mothers still live. At present, the province is providing monthly allowance to more than 6.500 national contributors and martyrs’ families.

Translated by Chung Anh