During the program, the unit introduced information about State’s laws to the students. It also distributed leaflets on the prevention and control of drugs and violence to the students, among others.

Lieutenant General Tran Duy Hung, Political Commissar of the General Department of Technical Services, presents gifts to the school.

These practical activities aimed to raise the awareness of law observation among troops, local people, teachers, and students.

Distributing leaflets to disseminate law information to the students

* More than 200 people and students in the wards of Thanh Ha, Thanh Khe Dong, and Thanh Khe Tay were present at the headquarters of the Thanh Khe District People’s Committee, Da Nang City, to listen to law introduction and received gifts and national flags from the Coast Guard Region 2 Command.

Offering national flags to fishermen

Besides, the coast guards also implemented many practical activities to help local residents raise their living conditions, especially needy and policy households. They also disseminated information about the situation of the country, international law and laws on sea and islands, among others.

Translated by Chung Anh